Hari Fajar Ramadhan 1722201027

1. This section of the test is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate in standard written English. There are two parts to this section with special direction for each 
Part one : Reading comprehension  
Part two : Structure 
Before you begin each part, carefully read the directions. 
2.Put all of your answer on the answer sheet.
3.Carefully and completely choose your answer for each question. If you change your mind about an answer after you marked it on your answer sheet, completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer.
4.Try to answer every problem even if you are not sure of the answer. Your score on the test will depend on the number of correct answers you have given.

Part One
History of Structural Engineering

The beginnings of civil engineering as a separate discipline may be seen in the foundation in France in 1716 of the Bridge and Highway Corps, out of which in 1747 grew the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (“National School of Bridges and Highways”). Its teachers wrote books that became standard works on the mechanics of materials, machines, and hydraulics, and leading British engineers learned French to read them. As design and calculation replaced rule of thumb and empirical formulas, and as expert knowledge was codified and formulated, the nonmilitary engineer moved to the front of the stage. Talented, if often self-taught, craftsmen, stonemasons, millwrights, toolmakers, and instrument makers became civil engineers. In Britain, James Brindley began as a millwright and became the foremost canal builder of the century; John Rennie was a millwright’s apprentice who eventually built the new London Bridge; Thomas Telford, a stonemason, became Britain’s leading road builder.
John Smeaton, the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an instrument maker. His design of Eddystone Lighthouse (1756–59), with its interlocking masonry, was based on a craftsman’s experience. Smeaton’s work was backed by thorough research, and his services were much in demand. In 1771 he founded the Society of Civil Engineers (now known as the Smeatonian Society). Its object was to bring together experienced engineers, entrepreneurs, and lawyers to promote the building of large public works, such as canals (and later railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute their schemes. Their meetings were held during parliamentary sessions; the society follows this custom to this day.
The École Polytechnique was founded in Paris in 1794, and the Bauakademie was started in Berlin in 1799, but no such schools existed in Great Britain for another two decades. It was this lack of opportunity for scientific study and for the exchange of experiences that led a group of young men in 1818 to found the Institution of Civil Engineers. The founders were keen to learn from one another and from their elders, and in 1820 they invited Thomas Telford, by then the dean of British civil engineers, to be their first president. There were similar developments elsewhere. By the mid-19th century there were civil engineering societies in many European countries and the United States, and the following century produced similar institutions in almost every country in the world.
Formal education in engineering science became widely available as other countries followed the lead of France and Germany. In Great Britain the universities, traditionally seats of classical learning, were reluctant to embrace the new disciplines. University College, London, founded in 1826, provided a broad range of academic studies and offered a course in mechanical philosophy. King’s College, London, first taught civil engineering in 1838, and in 1840 Queen Victoria founded the first chair of civil engineering and mechanics at the University of Glasgow, Scot. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1824, offered the first courses in civil engineering in the United States. The number of universities throughout the world with engineering faculties, including civil engineering, increased rapidly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Civil engineering today is taught in universities on every continent.


Sejarah Rekayasa Struktural

Permulaan teknik sipil sebagai disiplin yang terpisah dapat dilihat di yayasan di Perancis pada tahun 1716 dari Bridge dan Highway Corps, di mana pada tahun 1747 tumbuh École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ("Sekolah Nasional Jembatan dan Jalan Raya"). Para pengajarnya menulis buku-buku yang menjadi karya standar tentang mekanisme bahan, mesin, dan hidrolik, dan para insinyur Inggris terkemuka belajar bahasa Prancis untuk membacanya. Sebagai desain dan perhitungan diganti aturan praktis dan formula empiris, dan sebagai pengetahuan ahli dikodifikasikan dan dirumuskan, insinyur non-militer pindah ke depan panggung. Berbakat, jika sering otodidak, pengrajin, tukang batu, penggilingan, pembuat peralatan, dan pembuat instrumen menjadi insinyur sipil. Di Inggris, James Brindley dimulai sebagai penggilingan dan menjadi pembangun kanal terkemuka abad ini; John Rennie adalah seorang magang di Millwright yang akhirnya membangun Jembatan London yang baru; Thomas Telford, seorang tukang batu, menjadi pembangun jalan terkemuka di Inggris.
John Smeaton, pria pertama yang menyebut dirinya insinyur sipil, mulai sebagai pembuat instrumen. Desain Mercusuar Eddystone (1756-59), dengan batu susun yang saling terkait, didasarkan pada pengalaman pengrajin. Pekerjaan Smeaton didukung oleh penelitian menyeluruh, dan jasanya banyak diminati. Pada 1771 ia mendirikan Society of Civil Engineers (sekarang dikenal sebagai Masyarakat Smeatonian). Tujuannya adalah untuk menyatukan para insinyur, wirausaha, dan pengacara yang berpengalaman untuk mempromosikan pembangunan pekerjaan umum besar, seperti kanal (dan kereta api kemudian), dan untuk mengamankan kekuatan parlemen yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan skema mereka. Pertemuan mereka diadakan selama sesi parlemen; masyarakat mengikuti kebiasaan ini hingga hari ini.
École Polytechnique didirikan di Paris pada 1794, dan Bauakademie dimulai di Berlin pada 1799, tetapi tidak ada sekolah semacam itu di Inggris selama dua dekade. Itu adalah kurangnya kesempatan untuk studi ilmiah dan untuk pertukaran pengalaman yang memimpin sekelompok pemuda pada 1818 untuk mendirikan Lembaga Insinyur Sipil. Para pendiri sangat ingin belajar dari satu sama lain dan dari sesepuh mereka, dan pada tahun 1820 mereka mengundang Thomas Telford, saat itu dekan insinyur sipil Inggris, untuk menjadi presiden pertama mereka. Ada perkembangan serupa di tempat lain. Pada pertengahan abad ke-19 ada masyarakat teknik sipil di banyak negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, dan abad berikutnya menghasilkan lembaga serupa di hampir setiap negara di dunia.

Pendidikan formal dalam ilmu teknik menjadi tersedia secara luas karena negara-negara lain mengikuti jejak Prancis dan Jerman. Di Inggris, universitas, tempat belajar klasik tradisional, enggan untuk merangkul disiplin baru. University College, London, didirikan pada tahun 1826, menyediakan berbagai studi akademis dan menawarkan kursus filsafat mekanis. King's College, London, pertama kali mengajar teknik sipil pada tahun 1838, dan pada tahun 1840 Ratu Victoria mendirikan kursi pertama teknik sipil dan mekanik di Universitas Glasgow, Scot. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, didirikan pada tahun 1824, menawarkan kursus pertama di bidang teknik sipil di Amerika Serikat. Jumlah universitas di seluruh dunia dengan fakultas teknik, termasuk teknik sipil, meningkat pesat pada abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20. Teknik sipil saat ini diajarkan di universitas di setiap benua.

Part Two
Reading Comprehension

Direction: In this Section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer : (A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. This section in designed to measure your ability to read and understand passages. Answer all question about the information ion a passage on the basis what is implied or stated in the passage.


Read the following passage:
Line 1 Independent colleges and universities are private or nonprofit institutions. Tangerang Muhammadiyah University is an example of many independent colleges and universities originated as religion-related institution affiliated with religious group “Muhammadiyah”. The most common independent colleges and universities include (1) liberal art institutions that offer comprehensive undergraduate education, (2) technical or specialized institutions that prepare students in engineering arts, music, nursing and other fields and (3) large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to graduate and professional schools. 

Question 1:

What is the characteristic of Independent colleges and universities?

a. They are non-private
b. They are private
c. They are sate governed
d. They are dependent

According to the passage line 1, independent colleges and universities are private or non profit institutions, so independent colleges and universities are private. Therefore, you should choose (B)

Now let’s begin to do the reading test.

1. where is beginning of civil engineering ?

a. Inggris
b. Perancis
c. London
d. Australia

The answer is B, because it is clearly stated in paragraph 1.

2.Who is built the new london birdge ?

a. John Rennie
b. Thomas Telford 
c. John Smeaton

The answer is A, because is cleary in paragraph 1.

3. what John Smeaton founded in 1771 ?
a. Ecole Polytechnique.
b. Ecole .
c. Society of civil engineering.

The answer is C. because is cleary in paragraph 2.

4. what is the purpose of john smeaton society of civil engineering ?

a. to intruduvce civil engineering
b. to learn civil engineering
c. to bring together experience engineers
d. to bring together experienced experienced engineers, entrepreneurs, and lawyers to promote the building of large public works, such as canals (and later railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute their schemes

The answer is D, because is clearly in paragraph 2

5. in the mid-19th contrymany civil engineering society, in which country civil engineering society were at the time ?

a. Eropa and Amerika
b. Amerika and London
c. London
d. Amerika

The answer is A, it is explained in paragraph 3

6. Since when ecole polytechnique be founded ?

a. 1794
b. 1795
c. 1793 
d. 1799

The answer is A, as explained in paragraph 3 

7. where is the ecole polytechnique located ?
a. Paris
b. London 
c. America
d. Australia 

The answer is D, because ‘Depart’ means way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

8. King college, first time teach of civil engineering in ?

c. 1853

The answer is A, because it is explained in paragraph 4

9. Who is the leading street builder in britain’s ?

a. Thomas Telford
b. John smeaton
c. John
d.James Brindley

The answer is A, because it is explained in paragraph 4

10. The text tells us about …

a History of the First college of Civil Engineer
b. History of Strength of The Pyramid
c. History of Pharaoh Djoser
d. History of Structural Engineering

The answer is A, because it is stated in the title ‘History of college civil engineering.’

Part Two
Structure and Written Expression

Direction : In this section you will see four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) in each sentence. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentences to be correct. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the section and fill the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. 

Look at the following example:

Tsunami science were invented for 
        A.                                  B             C
tsunami risk reduction.
The sentence should read: “Tsunami science was invented for tsunami risk reduction". Therefore, you should choose (B)

Now let’s Begin to the structure and written test 

1.Where are beginning of civil Engineering?
             A B      C     D        
The sentence should read: “Where is beginning of civil Engineering.” Therefore, you should choose (A)

2. Who is builded the new London bridge?
       A     B      C                                            D

The sentence should read: “Who is built the new London bridge.” Therefore, you should choose (C).

3. What John Smeaton founding in 1771?
        A                                     B          C    D

The sentence should read: “What John Smeaton Founded in 1771.” Therefore you should choose (B).

4. What are the purpose or John Smeaton 
                 A                          B
society of Civil Engineering?
      C      D

The ssentence should read: “What is the purpose or John Smeaton society of Civil Engineering.” Therefore you should choose (A).

5. In the mid-19th country mary Civil 
Engineering society, in which country Civil 
                             B               C                                
Engineering society was at the time?

The sentence should read; “In the mid-19th country mary Civil Engineering society, in which country Civil Engineering society were at the time.” Therefore you should choose (D)

6. Since when ecole polytechnique be fond?
       A         B                           C                    D

The sentence should read: “Since when ecole polytechnique be founded.” Therefore you should choose (D)

7. Where was the ecole polytechnique 
         A        B                                 C

The sentence should read: “Where is the ecole plytechnique located.” Therefore you should choose (B)

8. King college, first time teach of civil 
      A                      B                 C
engineering at?

The sentence should read: “King college, first time teach of civil engineering in” Therefore you should choose (D)

9. Who is the lead of street builder in 
        A                 B                        C        D
The sentence should read: “Who is the leading of street builder in Britain’s” Therefore you should choose (B)

10. History from the first college of civil 
           A          B              C                  D
The sentence should read: “History of the first college of civil Engineering"
Therefore you should choose (B)


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